Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Words

I always get so excited when Nolan learns something new (which means I am normally always excited). Lately he has been learning lots of new words. I am pretty certain that only me and Tyler can recognize them, but it is still awesome. The newest one is "all done". It is more of a yelling alldonealldonealldone. And usually occurs when he is mad, but it is so cute!! I cannot think of any other news words but I am sure that there are some.

He is also learning his different body parts. I try to work on just one a week, and by the end of the week he has it down fairly well. He knows where his belly button and feet are, that's all so far. Next we are going to work on hand. I am also teaching him animal sounds. He knows dog says woof and snake says ssss. But, he only will say what a dog says if ask him before snake. Because once you say snake everything is ssssss.

He is getting to be such a big boy! I love him so so much!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that so much fun! Before you know it he will be talking up a storm!
