Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am in love...

With this handsome little boy!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Visiting Nan & Pops

We had a fun trip to Nan & Pops house this past weekend to celebrate Nan's birthday. Nolan loves birthdays. He likes to talk about who's birthday is next. I asked him if he would help me make Lily's birthday cake for her birthday. He said she wanted a strawberry birthday cake. That does not sound good to me at all but I am sure when her birthday comes he will remember and want to make one. We'll see.
Anyway back to our trip... My grandpa loves feeding babies (especially things he is not supposed to). Lily loves eating (especially things she is not supposed to). So they were a perfect match.

11 Months old!

I cannot believe that my baby girl is going to be a year old in less than one month. Unbelievable! She is growing up so fast. And she is so smart. Some of the things she does blows me away. The other day I was holding her baby doll and asked her who it was and she said "baby". Both Tyler and I looked at each other in amazement. Here are some more amazing things about my ll month old.
  • She just recently started sleeping through the night. I must say it is about time! :)
  • She is standing really well and has taken a few steps. But, I think it will be awhile before she actually starts walking.
  • Loves baby dolls. She squeezes them and gives them kisses. She also has way too many. I think she has about 10 baby dolls. Yikes!
  • She loves to snuggle, especially with her blankets. She is also very possessive of her blankets.
  • She is starting to be very picky with her food. She doesn't like fruit, what child doesn't like fruit. She would rather eat green beans than fruit.
I am sure that there is so much more about her but I cannot think of any right now. Goodness, I love my baby girl!
I like this set of pictures, it shows her awesome climbing skills. She has taught herself how to get on and off of beds. She hasn't mastered getting on the couch but as you can see she has figured out how to get down.

10 Months Old

Since I am so behind I am going to just post her pictures. I was even a week behind taking her picture. These kids keep me busy! She's so big.