Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New pictures

Omaha Zoo

We made a weekend trip to Omaha to visit the zoo. We had so much fun. Sleeping in a hotel w/ two babies isn't the most relaxing but we managed. :)
The zoo was great! There were so many things to see we didn't make it through all of it. We rode the train, and the Skyfari. The Skyfari was fun but it stressed me out a bit. We couldn't ride together, so I took Lily. We were really high in the air and all I could think of was how unsafe it was. But on the trip back I took Nolan and it was a little less stressful. Nolan really enjoyed the trip! I think his favorite thing was seeing the "Nemo" fish, which were the very first thing we saw. He also liked the tigers, which were the last animals we saw. He wanted to give them a blanket and some water because they were sleepy. Lily loved it too, she didn't cry once.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The kids have started pretending more and more lately. The newest thing is "naptime". The throw pillows in the floor and cover up to take a nap. This keeps them entertain all afternoon as long as one doesn't take the others blanket. Or act like they might even be thinking about taking the others blanket. If this occurs "naptime" is over because the eventually forget which blanket was their own and want both of them.
But when there is peace I am able to capture sweet moments like this:


Nolan loves the Ninja Turtles. He is constantly talking about them. Of course Tyler loves this. He has found ever turtle book at the library and is sometimes even more excited than Nolan. We have action figures, we have movies, and my mom has a closet full of turtles that Tyler hasn't got to bring to our house. I have a feeling it won't be long before I am overwhelmed w/ two boys playing w/ their turtles.

Nolan likes to dress up as a turtle and sing "Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!" He puts on his elbow and knee pads and a Cerner ribbon around his head and he is set to fight the "bad byes". Oh and whenever it is clean he has to eat out of his turtle bowl. Sometimes the turtle even helps him eat his food. :)

Camp out

I am really falling behind on blogging. I hope to catch up soon. But that may be unrealistic due to the fact that someone constantly needs my attention. :)
Tyler and Nolan had a camp out in the living room floor about a month ago. Nolan loved it. We set up his tent Nan bought him for his birthday last year. It is so big he rarely get to play with it. I filled it full of blankets and pillows and even a battery operated lantern. He thought it was so neat.
We also taught Nolan how to dunk oreos in a glass of milk. But that all ended when he misunderstood me when I said "dunk it", he thought I said "dump it". Boy, he enjoyed that! He is such a boy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

5 Months

Goodness, time is going by so quickly. I love sweet Lily more and more every single day. I am trying very consciously to be thankful for every moment I have w/ her. The multiple middle of the night wakings mean more snuggles from my baby. The times when only mommy can console her will passes too quickly. So I am going to squeeze her, and kiss her and love her as much as I can.
She is starting to really interact w/ Nolan. Her eyes follow him around the room. Normally he doesn't take much notice of her. But there are some precious few moments when I see them actually playing together and it just makes my heart melt. And then as quickly as it started it is over and Nolan is off doing something else. I don't know what it is store for them as the grow but I pray that they become best friends. I hope that they are able to depend on each other and always stay close.
5 months! Let's see what she is doing these days:
  • Started cereal for breakfast and just recently introduced it for dinner too. She is eating a mix of rice and oatmeal.
  • Rolling everywhere. In the time it took me to go to the kitchen and make a piece of toast she had move across the entire living room. She has been pushing up on her hands and toes lately. It's impressive, I don't think I have arm muscles as strong as hers.
  • She is still in size 2 diapers.
  • I really don't know what size clothing she is in now. It seems like she can where somethings up to 12 months and other things as small as newborn. I would guess 6 month clothing.
  • She wakes up a lot at night. Sometimes to many to count, but usually about 3 times a night.
  • Bedtime is around 7:30 or 8:00
  • She sleeps pretty good during the day. Takes about 2 or 3 naps. Ranging from 1-3 hours.
  • Has good control of her hands when reaching for things. Is starting to really like playing w/ her toys.
  • Loves her binkie! And she really likes blankets too.
  • Weighs 14 lbs.

She was not a happy girl when she was getting her pictures taken. It was way past her bedtime and she was letting me know about it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cereal, already?

Lily has started eating cereal. I am not sure she is a fan yet. She is so messy. I finally was smart and took her clothes off. This made it a lot less stressful. I think she would rather eat her bib than the cereal so I had to take that off of her too. Nolan decided tonight it would be fun to help feed her. I have to admit, he did a better job than I did. :)