Monday, August 31, 2009


Another weight update: 10lbs. down from pre-pregnancy weight! I am SO excited. I wish I was this dedicated to losing the weight after Nolan. I never realized that nursing a baby would be such an amazing weight loss tool. But I have a feeling I am going to have to start putting more effort into losing the rest.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So big

When I put Lily in her exersaucer I thought that I would at least have a few more weeks before she would actually enjoy it. Wrong. She looked so big, but so small playing it. I love the picture of her looking up at Nolan. She has figured out that he is pretty interesting. She loves to smile and laugh at him.

Pictures of Miss Lily

It's been awhile since I have posted pictures of my beautiful baby girl. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

4 months

This post is long over due but I have been a bit busy lately. Lillian is 4 months old, unbelievable. She had her 4 month checkup on Monday. Nolan and Lily had their doctor's appointments back to back (two babies getting shots at the same time = sad mommy). The doctor said she doing wonderfully.
Her stats and other info:
  • Weight- 13.8lbs
  • Height- 25 inches
  • Head-
  • She can roll over really well back to belly. And today for the first time she rolled belly to back to times in a row.
  • She is wearing anywhere between 3 to 6 months clothing
  • Size 2 diapers
  • We are planning on starting cereal at the end the month
  • Has started a somewhat regular day schedule
  • Not sleeping that well at night, but the past two nights she has been able to put herself back to sleep for at least one of the wakings
  • Loves watching people especially Nolan
  • Has the most beautiful smile!

She is growing up so quickly. It is really teaching me to cherish every moment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009


Nolan turned 2 yesterday. Wait, there is no way that could be true. I don't believe it. My baby, the little boy that not too long ago needed me to do everything for him, turned two. What a bittersweet day. He is such an independent creature now. He wants to "help" w/ everything now. My heart has grown larger than I ever imagined it could. I have so much love for him that there will never be enough words to describe it.
He has taught me so much in these past two years. My amazing little man made me into a mother and for that, there will always be a bond that no one will ever be able to duplicate. He has taught me to be kind, loving and patient. He has taught me how to cherish the time that we have today because tomorrow he will be even more grown up.
And most of all, the most important thing in my life...God used my little boy to bring me to my Savior. And for that I am eternally grateful. Before Nolan I was okay cruising through life on my own terms. I was doing fine, things were working out just fine. And then, one look at Nolan laying in his crib in the NICU and knowing there was nothing I could do to fix him. Only God. I remember praying constantly throughout the day for 11 days for peace and assurance. God granted me that and so much more. My heart started to open. I began to see my need for a real Savior. I needed God all the time, not just in good time or not just in bad times. I needed God, the real God, not just the one that sounds good to me the way I want Him to be. I struggled w/ this need for many months after Nolan was born. I realized my need, but was still too selfish to give up my old ways. Thankfully, God gave me another amazing man to help me realize there is no life w/out Christ. So thank you God, for my awesome husband and beautiful baby boy. They will never know how much they are worth to me.
Wow, I didn't expect to write out my story but there it is (must be God working again)!
Back to my little man, he is getting so big. We had a doctor's appointment today. He did well except for the terrible shot. :( He meets all of the recommended developmental milestones. The doctor said he looks great. He weighs 26.5lbs and 35 3/4 inches long.
He had a great birthday party and a wonderful birthday. No time to post pictures just yet, will try to get them up later today.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I don't understand

I just don't get it, why did Lily wait until she was 4 months old to decide it was time to start waking up three times a night. I am so sleepy! She isn't even hungry when she wakes up, she just wants to be rocked. I think it would be different if she didn't give a taste of sleeping. Since she was 6 weeks old she has slept through the night. Once she it 3 months she started waking once a night. Now it is 3 times! What is up with that?