Friday, July 31, 2009

The things kids do :)

Nolan and Kaiya came up w/ a fun yet somewhat dangerous game to play. But they did put pillows down to cushion their fall. So far neither have got hurt, and they insist on doing this at least once a day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

She's moving

Lily is so funny when she is laying on her own. One minute she'll be facing one way and the next time I look at her she is in the total opposite direction. Oh and she has rolled from back to belly twice. I feel like she is growing up so quickly. It's hard to believe she is almost four months old. She is still a happy baby, but is becoming much more alert which means she is sleeping a lot less. Which is somewhat exhausting, but well worth the sweet smiles that I get when she sees me.

*Sweet Lily, Daddy wanted me to tell you that he loves you!* :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I made it!

I am to pre-pregnancy weight!!! Now the real work begins.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

3 Months Old

3 Months, is that even possible? Lily is getting so big. She is usually a happy baby, but lately she's been a little crab apple. Hopefully this is just a phase. I love her so very much, sometimes I just curl up w/ her and watch her wiggle. These days are going to be gone before I know it.
Her latest accomplishments:
*She has great head control. She loves to sit up (assisted, of course) and take everything in.
*She loves to smile, coo, and is almost laughing.
*She has found her hands and loves to chew on them
*She loves to be swaddle very tightly, she wiggles so much that we have to use two blankets or she can get out.
*She is almost completely out of newborn clothes (they are way too short) and is wearing size two diapers.
*She normally sleeps through the night, but lately has decided she needs some extra love at 2:00 a.m.
*She loves to watch Nolan play and is very excited when Daddy comes home from work.
*She does NOT like her car seat, Tyler is usually holding her binkie in her mouth because she screams if she doesn't have in the car.
*Hopefully I get to weigh her today. I am curious what she weighs. She seems small to me. She weighs (arounding to the wii fit scale) 11.4lbs!
I am sure there are other things, she does new things daily. I cannot believe it has already been 3 months since my baby girl was born.

Cowabunga Nolan