Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mission: Pacifier Weaning (Updated)

Day 1: Cried most of the day (not just a little, a screaming cry), first nap didn't go very well, second nap went a little better. Overall, a pretty bad day.

Day 2: Shock! That is the one word that describes how I feel. Besides waking up at 5:30 crying (yuck!), he hasn't really cried at all (but it is only 9:30 a.m.). He has played so well. We have been having trouble with separation anxiety lately, but so far today I can walk into another room and he actually barely notices. I pray that this continues. It is soooo nice when he is a happy baby.

Stayed tuned for further (improvement) changes!

I have decided to start weaning Nolan from the pacifier for various reason. Number 1 reason is because he stands up in his crib when it is nap time and drops the binky on the floor and then screams until you pick it up for him. Reason number 2 when he has his pacifier in his mouth he doesn't say anything, but as soon as you take it out he babbles nonstop. Number 3 he has a very hard time soothing himself without his binky (he needs to learn that he can soothe himself and doesn't need Mommy or his binky to do it). So hopefully this will go well, I am giving him a week or so. If he stills screams and fussy I guess we'll try again at another time.

Day3 & Day4: Well, he hasn't had is pacifier in 4 days. I cannot believe it. He is doing a lot better than I thought he would. He does have about 2-3 meltdowns during the day, though. He just cries, I believe it is because he has never really learned to soothe himself, he always relied on his binky. But overall, he is doing wonderful. It is so nice to not have to worry about him losing his pacifier, it is much less stressful! I lovemy baby boy!!

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